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Our School

Bethany Catholic Primary School Werribee

Bethany brings together a diverse range of students from many ethnic backgrounds. Such cultural diversity is highly valued within the school. Bethany places a strong emphasis on partnership. Authentic partnerships produce an environment whereby students, staff and parents can actively work together to provide high student outcomes within a vibrant and caring school community.


The School Vision forms the basis of all that we do. We believe it is through these authentic relationships that we can bring about success for all.


At Bethany, the learning environment promotes strong personal and social growth. The students’ needs, backgrounds, perspectives and interests are reflected in the learning and the teaching. Every endeavour is made to ensure the learning and teaching is sustained and opportunities are given to learners to make connections between knowledge, ideas and concepts.


Bethany has four Learning Centres:


  • The Exploration Centre - Foundation (Prep)

  • The Discovery Centre - Year 1 and Year 2

  • The Bridging Centre - Year 3 and Year 4

  • The Leadership Centre - Year 5 and Year 6


The learning spaces at Bethany have been designed to provide a rich environment, conducive to relevant and meaningful learning where students are supported to develop and maintain skills for successful living now and in the future.


Our Vision

Bethany Catholic Primary School Werribee

‘Creating authentic relationships for successful living within a Catholic tradition.’


Being part of a caring faith community instils our students with a sense of identity, a feeling of belonging and above all, a powerful sense of self worth.

At Bethany, we measure achievement by the emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing of our pupils.

We value excellence and expect our students to achieve their personal best in all.

4H Culture

The 4 H's - Hope, Heart, Hospitality and Healing are at the core of our work.

To be part of such a culture is to be surrounded by a community of people who are inspiring, accepting and non-judgemental.


The School Vision forms the basis of all that we do. We believe it is through these authentic relationships that we can bring about success for all.


Our Learning Centres

Exploration Centre- Prep

In the Exploration Centre our Foundation/Prep students EXPLORE the texture, depth and edges of their world.

Children’s natural creativity and wonder are nurtured as they explore the world around them. The scaffolding of Communication, Socialisation and Management skills are introduced and explored at this stage. The Exploration Centre consists of a number of learning spaces where educators cater for children’s individual needs. In the centre there are four hubs named after aspects of our world – Ocean, Earth, Sky and Star. In hub groups the children develop relationships with their hub facilitators and the hub group.

Discovery Centre- Years 1 and 2

In the Discovery Centre, students in Years One and Two DISCOVER the “rainbow” of their talents, dreams and possibilities.

The development of beginning knowledge and skills continues and there are many opportunities for further access to a variety of spaces and resources.

The Discovery Centre consists of a number of learning spaces which cater for children’s individual needs. Hubs named after the colours of the rainbow provide the opportunity for children to meet daily with their hub teachers as a whole class group.

The concept of the rainbow inspires the sense of discovery within the imagery of the search for the end of the rainbow…..there is always a new discovery to be made!



Bridging Centre- Years 3 and 4

Students in Years 3 and 4 build bridges of friendship, self knowledge and independence.

The Bridging Centre provides the student with the environment in which to begin to apply skills with a greater sense of independence whilst accessing spaces individually and collaboratively.

Hubs are named after rivers of the world: Werribee, Yarra, Murray, Todd, Sepik and Jordan. These provide a base where children meet daily with their hub teachers.

The concept of the river signifies the link between communities, and symbolises the learning journey of the children.


Leadership Centre- Years 5 and 6

Students in Years 5 and 6 lead by example, with confidence, initiative and courage.

During the final two years at Bethany, Year 5 and 6 students generalise their growing knowledge and apply many skills with greater independence. Through an understanding of the leadership capacity within us all, senior students take the role as student leaders at Bethany.

Students are charged with the role of leaders and learn about and identify leaders, who are positive role models in society.

Hub areas are named after significant leaders: Caroline Chisholm, Mary MacKillop, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Archbishop Little and Maximillian Kolbe.

Hub group times nurture relationships and provide a platform for daily organisation and learning.

Our Beginnings

Bethany, a town near Jerusalem in names in scripture as a place that Jesus went to be with his friends, Mary and Martha. It was a place where he felt very welcome. We want our school to be a place of welcome for all.



Bethany Werribee


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Bethany Catholic Primary School Werribee

Address: 80 Thames Road, Werribee North, Vic, 3030

Phone: (03) 9742 9800


Bethany Catholic Primary School is a school that operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS).

MACS governs and operates 292 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to continue the mission of Catholic education to proclaim the Good News and equip our young people with the knowledge, skills and hope to live meaningful lives and enrich the world around them.

Because the good work of educating the young is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community, School Advisory Councils have been established to provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders.

This governance model was designed to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, allow parish priests to focus on the mission of education in the parish, enable greater collaboration between schools and ensure greater consistency in school policies and procedures.

© 2024 Bethany Primary School. Site design & photography by School Presence

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